At Home in Tokyo

A view of our hotel and the Ferris wheel, Japanese style!

At the DesignFesta a lot of photographers seemed to be very into the over saturated color.  It can be very fun so I kind of understand, in fact I wanted to try it too.  This is actually a photo of our hotel from the Tokyo Big Site terrace.  The giant building that looks like an upside down U was our building, the Hotel Tokyo Trusty Bayside.  It was a nice little place, we were on the third floor and it was very fancy.  It was also a great location.  As you can see from the picture we were only a short ways from Tokyo Big Site and the giant Ferris Wheel.  The last thing we did in Tokyo was ride on the Ferris wheel, but like the Big Site it was another prominent marker of home for us.

Tokyo Big Site

Tokyo Big Site standing prominently unique.

As luck would have it my stay in Japan perfectly overlapped with a large arts fair in Tokyo called DesignFesta.  This took place in the large convention center called Tokyo Big Site.  Since the Big Site was only a block from the Hotel we were staying at Sean and I couldn’t pass up that opportunity.  The event was amazing but so was the Tokyo Big Site itself.  The design of the building is just so fun and unique, like many of the buildings in Tokyo seemed to be.  There was also a very fun sculpture in front of it, a giant saw.  Seeing as the land that the Big Site is built on is all part of the man-made island built to extend Tokyo I found it entertaining that they would have a giant saw cutting into the earth.  The Big Site was also the train station we used every day to get home so the Big Site and the Big Saw soon became landmarks of home base.

Tokyo Big Saw

All The Way Back Where I Belong

It’s been over a month since my last post and I apologize for that.  I had to prepare to leave Thailand, just in time before the riots got very bad.  Spent a week in Tokyo on my route home, then at last back in Wisconsin.  Right after returning home I not only spent my time settling back into life in the Dairy State, but also moving into my knew apartment with that wonderful companion in travels and crime of mine.  This was a big move for me, probably even bigger than moving to Thailand.  For the first time every I am sharing my space with someone seriously.  That and I am readjusting to a completely new city, an hour away from that social life I was so eager to return to.  It’s working out pretty well though, an decrease in my normal social life puts me more at a normal level and allows for getting things done.

A few of Brady Street in the evening from my favorite outdoor spot.

I truly am glad to be home though.  And home to me is and always will be my little coffee house, nestled in the heart of one of the trendy streets in Milwaukee.  Delicious coffee in an atmosphere I feel perfect in, what more could one ask for.  It’s good to be home!

An amazing tea selection and a warm atmosphere, what more could a girl ask for?